Work Instruction ID:   23383  
Work Instruction Number: 1059 Revision No. 1
Old Work Instruction Number:
Date Created: 24/02/2021 07:54:46 Revision Date: 18/09/2023 12:09:00
Created By: Approved By:
StockCode: WorkCentre:
Customer Stock Code:    
Job Observation Frequency (Months)      
Creator Approval Date: 19/09/2023 07:35:47 Approved Date: 18/09/2023 12:16:25
Document Status: Current    
Work Instruction Rows
Line No.Header RowInstruction 


Place completed part in checking fixture, part must drop fit in fixture.

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Check 1st section of part first, ensure front profile fits in the fixture freely. Check Butterfly portion if it lines up in fixture block.

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Check 2nd section, this area must sit flat on the fixture block.


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Check 3rd section, part must fit flat in fixture block and the butterflies line up in fixture.

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Check 4th section, this must fit inbetween the pins on fixture.

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Check last section on GO / NO GO GAUGE on fixture.

GO - Part must fit in GO area marked with a green mark.


NO GO - Part must not fit in NO GO area marked with a red mark.

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  • The Last-off from the previous batch is to be compared to the current batch First-off. Last-off is to be placed in the production run.
  • Complete a First-off before comencing with production, record on system Inspection. no. "1070"
  • First-off sample to be tagged and remain with the checking fixture.
  • Conduct in-process inspections every hour and record on system Inspection  no. "2070"
  • At the end of the batch, last part is to be tagged and kept with the checking fixture. First-off is to be placed in the production batch
  • Conduct a last-off  inspection and record on system Inspection  no. "14411"
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  • All reject parts are to be placed immediatley in the red reject bins provided.
  • All rejects should be logged on the system hourly. Reject Analysis.

Scrap / Reject bins are to be emptied at the end of end job or at the end of shift if the job is running at the end of shift

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Once the job has been logged on the system, you will be able to see the production figures and targets including

  • The Total Qty made against the job
  • The quantity prodcued on the shift (day),
  • The Std Time and the number of Parts required to be made per hour.

The picture to the left provides and example.

Production figures are to be logged on the system every hour.

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