Work Instruction ID:   26417  
Work Instruction Number: 1113 Revision No. 3
Old Work Instruction Number:
Date Created: 24/06/2021 14:20:04 Revision Date: 05/12/2023 08:02:47
Created By: Approved By:
StockCode: WorkCentre:
Customer Stock Code:    
Job Observation Frequency (Months)      
Creator Approval Date: 13/12/2023 08:38:21 Approved Date: 13/12/2023 08:39:28
Document Status: Current    
Work Instruction Rows
Line No.Header RowInstruction 


  • Gloves  and ear plugs are to be worn throughout this operation.



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   Weld Settings

Programme 2
Pulsation 01
Weld on Weld on
Upslope 00


Hold 10
Heat 2  55%
Weld 2 15
Cool 01
Heat 1 55%
Weld 1 29
Squeeze 13
Pre squeeze 10


Copper Height Settings

  • Distance between copper tips:               60mm
  • Pin height from copper tip:                   10mm
  • Top copper height:                                  250mm: pin
  • Bottom copper height :                          140 - 141: pin

Power setting for nut & Bracket =   75%          Pressure: 1 bar

Power setting for bracket, wire frame & Pin = 85%     Pressure 4 bars



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Welding nut onto bracket 


Set the Goose neck welding tips  top and bottom onto the spot welder.

  • Ensure that the tips are aligned correctly and straight.
  • Set the height as per measurement stated in settings.
  • Ensure that the gap of 60mm between top and bottom copper tips is maintained.
  • Check condition of ceramic sleeve is not worn out damaged prior to welding as this will cause arcing during welding.
  • Place the ceramic sleeve into the bottom copper tip.


  • Set the nut locating fixture onto the bottom candle holder, secure fixture by screwing T screw clockwise locking into place.
  • Ensure that the ceramic sleeve is not worn out as this will cause a weak weld penetration between nut casing and bracket. 
  • Ensure the ceramic sleeve is located into the bottom goose neck tip.
  • The nut locating pin to be located into place on fixture, resting onto the spring.
  • Pin must be 10mm protruding from bottom copper tip, allowing the nut to rest onto bracket and pin - nut must be located centrally.  


  • Place the bracket onto the bottom copper tip, with the locating pin protruding through bracket, thereafter locate the nut onto the pin.
  • Ensure that the notched side closer to the bracket end is used for welding the nuts.
  • Nut must be centrally located.
  • Ensure that the switch is turned to hand.
  • Press the green button on control box to activate the welding process.
  • The top copper tip will move toward the nut and welds both nut and bracket together.
  • Apply the bolt to the nut
  • When the nut is welded, the following steps to follow.
  • Apply the bolt to the nut and verify straightness of bolt application and centrallity of welding.


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Welding pin onto bracket


First off: Destructive test for pin welding

  • Conduct a drop test from approximatley  1.2m (Waist high), drop bracket to the floor/solid surface with the bolt facing the floor/solid surface.  This is to determine weld strength of nut onto bracket.
  • Inspect the weld ensuring  that the nut has not broken off.
  • Accepted if nut has not broken off.
  • Increase weld strength if breakage occurrs


  • Remove the nut locating pin when welding pins onto bracket.
  • Place the opposite side of the bracket (with the notches away from the end of bracket) onto the bottom copper tip. 
  • Locate the pin throught the bracket and the ceramic sleeve. Pin will rest on the lip of bracket.
  • Ensure that the bracket is upright/straight, prior to welding. must not be held in an angle as the pin will be welded in an angle.


  • Ensure that the control switch is set to hand.
  • Depress the green button on control box to activate the welding process.
  • The top copper tip will move toward the pin head and weld the pin to the bracket.
  • Rotate the bracket clockwise and weld pin twice.
  • Tap pin on a solid surface to ensure weld adherence.


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  • First off: Destructive test for pin welding
  • Place the bracket onto a vice, lock the pin into place on the vice.
  • Conduct a destructive test, by bending the bracket, this is to verify weld aherence between the pin and bracket.
  • If the bracket deforms and the pins does not break during the destructive test, then the weld is accpetable.
  • If the pin breaks of during the destructive test, then increase weld settings, and re-weld a second sample, and continue with destructive test.
  • Conduct pull test on bracket and wire.Bracket and wire spot welded. spec 1100Nm.
  • Pull test to be conducted start of batch.
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  • The Last-off from the previous batch is to be compared to the current batch First-off. Last-off is to be placed in the production run.
  • Complete a First-off before commencing with production, record on system Inspection Number "6112" "Welding nut & pin". 
  • First-off sample to be tagged and remain at the workstation.
  • Conduct in-process inspections every hour and record on system Inspection Number "6113" "Welding nut & pin".
  • At the end of the batch, the last part is to be tagged and kept. First-off is to be placed in the production batch.
  • The last off shall be tagged and kept at the workstation and record on Inspection Number "2253" "Welding nut & pin".
  • Complete process parameters and record on system inspection number "6092" "Copper heights".
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  • All reject parts are to be placed immediatley in the red reject bins provided.
  • All rejects should be logged on the system hourly. Reject Analysis.

Scrap / Reject bins are to be emptied at the end of end job or at the end of shift if the job is running at the end of shift

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Once the job has been logged on the system, you will be able to see the production figures and targets including

  • The Total Qty made against the job
  • The quantity prodcued on the shift (day),
  • The Std Time and the number of Parts required to be made per hour.

The picture to the left provides and example.

Production figures are to be logged on the system every hour.

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