Work Instruction ID:   30478  
Work Instruction Number: 1176 Revision No. 1
Old Work Instruction Number:
Date Created: 11/07/2022 11:37:59 Revision Date: 05/08/2024 11:56:40
Created By: Approved By:
StockCode: WorkCentre:
Customer Stock Code:    
Job Observation Frequency (Months)      
Creator Approval Date: 05/08/2024 12:06:42 Approved Date: 05/08/2024 12:06:55
Document Status: Current    
Work Instruction Rows
Line No.Header RowInstruction 


Gloves and ear plugs are to be worn throughout this operation.

Safety glasses to be used when trimming.


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This work instruction will cover the manufacturing process  including

  • Forming Bend 1, 2 & 3
  • Trimming bend
  • Inspecting the products
  • LTHT
  • Packing products
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On receipt of route card from supervisor to start manufacturing of the products the following procedures shall be adhered too:


  • Ensure the work area is clean and free of unneccesary items.
  • Request the required bin/box from stores to pack the completed products.
  • Log the job onto the production system to indicate the start time. Assign yourself as the operator on the job.
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  • Set-up hand bender and form bend "1".
  • Ensure stops are set correctly.
  • Measure length on bend "1".
  • Verify bend "1" in checking fixture profile.


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  • Set-up hand bender and form bend "2".
  • Ensure stops are set correctly.

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  • Set-up hand bender and form bend "3".
  • Ensure stops are set correctly.

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  • Using  trimming jig, trim bend 3 with a grinder and ensure to trim on the line.

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  • Measure bend 3 length after triming.

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Checking part in checking fixture

  • Measure overall length with a tape measure from end to end. Required dimension is 375mm +/- 2mm.


  • Place  the part from the LH hand side first (bend 3), ensure the part is against the end slot as per picture below.


  • This part must drop fit into the checking fixture.


  • The part must sit flush at the bottom slot in the middle block as per picture below.


  • The short end on the RH side (bend 1) must sit against the end stop as per picture below.


  • Using the GO / NO GO Gauge, validate the bend 3 length. The GO side (marked green) must fit in freely in slot and the NO GO side (maked red) must not be able to fit into slot.



  • Validate bend 1 in the fixture cut out profile as per picture below.

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  • Required temperature for parts for LTHT is 300 degrees x 20 mins.
  • Take note that parts will reduce 1 - 2mm in overall length after LTHT.
  • Use blue box oven to LTHT parts.
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Pack  parts neatly in bin / box ( not specified)

Total frames per bin / box to be packed = as per order quantity

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  • The Last-off from the previous batch is to be compared to the current batch First-off. Last-off is to be placed in the production run.
  • Complete a First-off before comencing with production, record on system Inspection no 10362.
  • First-off sample to be tagged and remain with the checking fixture.


  • Conduct in-process inspections every hour and record on system Inspection no. 10363


  • At the end of the batch, last part is to be tagged and kept with the checking fixture. First-off is to be placed in the production batch: Inspection no. 10364
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  • All reject parts are to be placed immediatley in the red reject bins provided.
  • All rejects should be logged on the system hourly. 

Scrap / Reject bins are to be emptied at the end of end job or at the end of shift if the job is running at the end of shift

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Once the job has been logged on the system, you will be able to see the production figures and targets including

  • The Total Qty made against the job
  • The quantity prodcued on the shift (day),
  • The Std Time and the number of Parts required to be made per hour.

The picture to the left provides and example.

Production figures are to be logged on the system every hour.

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